Sunday, September 11, 2011

Brought to you courtesy of the red white & blue

                      Remembering the past: 9/11
Ten years ago today I was in fifth grade. I was 10 years old. I was attending Bollman Bridge Elementary school. I remember this day like it was yesterday. I remember sitting at lunch and the cafeteria was empty. Students were being pulled out of class and I was confused as to why I was still there. I remember being angry and knowing something was wrong. Why was I still in school when very few kids were? At the end of the day my mom picked me up and I asked what was going on? Why had you left me at school? I dont recall her response to my questions but I do remember kneeling in front of the TV and watching an airplane run into the Twin Towers over and over and over again. I was in shock, my family was in shock and the whole world was in shock over these absolutely horrible terrorist attacks. Today is the anniversary of September 11, 2001. It seems like it was just yesterday. The families and the heros havent been forgotten. The tragic images of that day will forever be embedded in the minds of those who watched. Just yesterday I was watching a special on the heros of 9/11 and how brave these people were. The brave men and women who banded together and took back the plane from the terrorists, but still lost their lives. My heart is so full of love for these heros and their families. The phone calls are heartbreaking, the stories tragic and lives that will forever be changed. I was just 5 hours away from these attacks, they hit home. But I cant imagine losing family members, friends or loved ones.
God Bless.

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