Tuesday, November 8, 2011

yeah, but i really love

not only her MUSTARD colored tights but this whole adorable outfit actually [in case you were wondering they have these tights at Forever 21]
creative people. I like to tell people my theory that pinterest is run by one person who has all the creative ideas and everyone else just posts them to feel a little bit better about myself. I mean i always thought i was creative, even told it but i aint got nothing on pinterest...literally...
ribbon attached to any necklace to give it a different look/make it longer? LOVE
the fact that Sophia Bush makes being pale look so dang good.
i mean lets be honest i love being tan, most people do but when its winter and you dont have tons of $$$ to go on exotic vacations and youre smart enough to know tanning beds kill you,
(just ask my roomie who did a research paper on it if you dont believe me) this is nice to see
how nice this would be for all of my makeup? The answer: really really nice
I am always searching for my eyeliner after chapstick and this is so nice. I have seen it done a few ways, either using a magnetic board or using velcro and attaching it that way.
Previously i posted her other website the beauty department but i love this one i just found. Not only is lauren pretty but shes funny and creative and stylish and her blog shows all that. I love it. Oh and did i mention she has a way cute clothing line at Kohls thats afforadable? Check it out
The color yellow. As most of you know my favorite color is neon...but if you wanna get all specific its yellow hence everything i pick out or buy is just that, yellow the color just draws me in, which explains my love for mustard yellow.Take these towels i just bought at Target [lovee Target], yellow.
Mr. Blake Shelton.
Currently i am listening to him do an interview and he is about the cutest thing ever.
He's so humble and i love his twangy voice oh and his music...
Honey Bee,Who are you when i'm not looking & God Gave me you
he also just married Miranda Lambert, both have such good music-love them
all things cookie dough
i'm one of those why make cookies when the dough tastes a 100 times better?
well maybe because theres raw egg caitlin...oh well i love it, and for that matter batter in general
but i found this recipe and got pretty excited:
and let me conclude,
this quote is flippin awesome & definitely my favorite this week.
words to live by ladies and gentlemen.
well besides the whole hell part...
Hope you found something new to Love!

xoxo CAIT xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Found lots of new things to love...thanks fo sharing! That cookie dough fudge...oh my. Mouth is doing some serious watering now. I'm your newest follower...loving your blog!
